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Term Description References
HTTP The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a TCP/IP-based application layer communication protocol that standardizes how clients and servers communicate with each other.
Application Layer An application layer is an abstraction layer that specifies the shared communication protocols and interface methods used by hosts in a communications network.
Client The client identifies itself with the user-agent, which is any tool that makes requests for the benefit of the user.
Server The web server is the entity that serves the documents, or resources, that are requested by the client.
Proxy server Proxy server is a server application that acts as an intermediary between a client requesting a resource and the server providing that resource. Proxy servers will perform Caching, load-balancing, filtering, logging, and Authentication.
HTTP session HTTP session is a temporary information exchange between a server and a client. It is a sequence of network request-response transactions that are initiated by the client using TCP or an alternative protocol on a specific port.
Request Requests include a keyword, or method, that specifies what operation is to be performed. A common method is HTTP GET, which can often be used to retrieve a specific resource. Requests can include the path of the resource, the version of the HTTP protocol being used, various HTTP Headers used to supply the server with additional information, and a message body for transmitting bulk content. A message body can be used by a method such as HTTP POST, where the content will be stored on the server for consumption at a later time or by another client.
Response Responses are sent by servers as answers to requests. These include some of the same information that a request does, such as the HTTP protocol version, but also contain details such as a status code to indicate success, failure, and the reasons why.
HTTP headers HTTP headers are a means for a client, server, and any intermediaries to exchange information during the HTTP request-response process.